Executive Budget Overview
Governor Hochul unveiled a balanced budget for FY 2026 that contains record investments that support New Yorkers without raising income taxes.
The Executive Budget will deliver more than $5 billion in tax cuts, credits and refunds to New York families, while making record investments in education and health care and keeping $21 billion in reserves.
This year’s budget will put money back in New Yorkers’ pockets and make our streets and subways safer. Working together with my partners in the Legislature, we can get this done and make New York the best place in the country to raise a family.”
Watch: Governor Hochul's FY 2026 Budget Address

FY 2026 Executive Budget Highlights
Addressing the Cost of Living
The Executive Budget includes the State's first-ever Inflation Refund, increases the Child Tax Credit and cuts middle-class taxes.
Fighting Crime and Keeping New Yorkers Safe
Governor Hochul is doubling down on proven crime-fighting investments, including gun violence prevention programs.
Building More Housing to Increase Supply
The Executive Budget works to increase the housing supply, supports Pro-Housing Communities and offers incentives for first-time homebuyers.
Kick-Starting Economic Growth
The Executive Budget continues to invest in communities and funds free community college for NY'ers aged 25-55 for in-demand degrees.
A Healthy Start for Every Kid in New York
Governor Hochul will end electronic device use in the classroom and continue record investments in education.
Investments to Strengthen Mental Health Care
The Executive Budget expands services, capacity and increases wages for mental health professionals.
Largest Climate Investment In New York History
New York is continuing its global leadership on climate action including a clean energy transition and retrofitting homes with heat pumps.
Protecting the Health and Well-Being of New Yorkers
The Executive Budget strengthens our health care system through workforce development and facility improvements.
Investing in Transformative Transportation
The Executive Budget includes investments to cut commutes and invest in road, bridge and safety improvements across New York.