
Official news from the Office of the Governor
October 11, 2024

Advancing AI Research for the Public Good

New York State’s nation-leading Empire AI Consortium will commence research this fall as a result of a major philanthropic contribution from the Simons Foundation.

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Governor Hochul announced the confirmations of two administration appointees by the Senate. Walter T. Mosley has been confirmed as Secretary of State and Robert J. Rodriguez has been confirmed as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York.

La gobernadora Hochul reforzó su compromiso de proteger la salud mental de niños y adolescentes al convertir en una prioridad máxima la promulgación de legislación líder en el país que aborde la seguridad en línea y los impactos dañinos de las redes sociales en las últimas semanas de la Sesión Legislativa Estatal del 2024.

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