Featured News
Two Free Weekends Announced for Out-of-State Snowmobilers
February 14, 2025 | 10:27 AM ESTGovernor Hochul announced two free snowmobile weekends for all out-of-state and Canadian snowmobilers to rev their engines and explore what New York has to offer.
Governor Makes a Reproductive Freedom Announcement
February 13, 2025 | 4:54 PM ESTGovernor Hochul made a reproductive freedom announcement.
Applications Open for Empire State Summer Service Corps
February 13, 2025 | 3:33 PM ESTGovernor Hochul announced the opening of applications for the Empire State Summer Service Corps Program, encouraging State University of New York students to apply for one of 150 paid civic and service internships this summer.

Governor Hochul announced that New York State landmarks are lit red tonight, March 23, in honor of American Red Cross Month.

Governor Hochul announced that the Ukrainian flag will be flown on the Capitol building, the Executive Mansion, and the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services headquarters tomorrow, March 24, marking one month since the beginning of the Russian invasion.

Earlier, Governor Hochul congratulated 227 new State Troopers as they graduated from the 210th session of the Basic School of the New York State Police Academy during a ceremony at the Empire Plaza Convention Center in Albany.

Durante el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer, la Gobernadora Kathy Hochul anunció hoy que la Policía del Estado de Nueva York se ha unido a otros departamentos de policía de todo el país al firmar el "Compromiso 30x30", un compromiso para aumentar la representación de mujeres en las filas de la Policía Estatal y mejorar las experiencias de mujeres en la aplicación de la ley.

Governor Hochul updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19.

Governor Hochul congratulated 227 new State Troopers as they graduated from the 210th session of the Basic School of the New York State Police Academy.

During Women's History Month, Governor Hochul announced that the New York State Police has joined other police departments across the country by signing the "30x30 Pledge," a commitment to increase the representation of women in the State Police ranks and improve the experiences of women in law enforcement.

The New York Daily News published an op-ed by Governor Hochul and Lieutenant Governor Benjamin on the importance of targeted changes to our laws to strengthen public safety.

Governor Hochul recognized the 12th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act and the resulting historic levels of health insurance coverage through NY State of Health.

Governor Hochul announced that New York State landmarks will be lit red tonight, March 23, in honor of American Red Cross Month.