Featured News
Transcript: Press Briefing on Public Education
February 9, 2025 | 2:41 PM ESTGovernor Hochul joined Senator Gillibrand for a press briefing on public education.
Strong Winter Storms Expected Through Sunday
February 7, 2025 | 6:13 PM ESTGovernor Hochul updated New Yorkers on two winter storms expected to impact areas throughout the State today through Sunday.
Conversation with Mothers on Affordability
February 7, 2025 | 2:40 PM ESTGovernor Hochul convened a conversation with mothers at Fox’s Deli in Rochester to highlight her 2025 State of the State affordability agenda.

Governor Hochul announced construction will start this fall on a project to improve public facilities adjacent to the swim area at Stony Brook State Park in Dansville.

Governor Hochul updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19.

Governor Hochul announced that 14 landmarks across New York will be illuminated with gold lights on Sunday, September 25 in honor of Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day.

"Tonight, families across New York and around the world will gather to celebrate the first night of Rosh Hashana."
Governor Hochul delivered remarks at the National Women's Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony.

Governor Hochul announced construction is complete on a $2.5 million resiliency project awarded to the Town of Yates, Orleans County, as part of New York State’s Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative.

Governor Hochul announced that a contingent of 50 New York State Troopers were deployed this morning to Puerto Rico to assist with relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Fiona.

Governor Hochul delivered remarks at the African American Veterans monument and unveiling.

La gobernadora Hochul anunció hoy nuevas acciones para involucrar a la industria de servicios financieros de Nueva York para apoyar a los residentes de Puerto Rico después del huracán Fiona.

La gobernadora Hochul anunció acciones que se llevarán a cabo en todo el estado de Nueva York en reconocimiento del Mes de Acción contra el Hambre, que se celebra cada septiembre para crear conciencia sobre la inseguridad alimentaria y alentar a las personas a participar en la lucha contra el hambre.