Featured News
Nearly 50K Tickets Issued During Super Bowl Crackdown
February 14, 2025 | 12:32 PM ESTGovernor Hochul announced law enforcement agencies throughout the state issued 49,948 tickets for various vehicle and traffic law violations, including 1,021 tickets for impaired driving, during a statewide mobilization surrounding Super Bowl celebrations.
Two Free Weekends Announced for Out-of-State Snowmobilers
February 14, 2025 | 10:27 AM ESTGovernor Hochul announced two free snowmobile weekends for all out-of-state and Canadian snowmobilers to rev their engines and explore what New York has to offer.
Governor Makes a Reproductive Freedom Announcement
February 13, 2025 | 4:54 PM ESTGovernor Hochul made a reproductive freedom announcement.

Governor Hochul updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19 and outlined basic steps they can take to protect against the spread of viral respiratory infections that become more common in the winter season.

Governor Hochul announced significant progress in the state’s fight against gun violence, with NYC and communities participating in the state’s Gun Involved Violence Elimination initiative reporting the fewest shooting incidents with injury last month since the first half of 2020.

La gobernadora Hochul anunció $200 millones en fondos estatales para expandir departamentos de emergencias, incluidos $150 millones que se otorgaron al Jamaica Hospital Medical Center en Queens y $50 millones otorgados al Strong Memorial Hospital en el University of Rochester Medical Center.

Governor Hochul announced the availability of resources to help New Yorkers save on their home energy bills.

Governor Hochul announced the appointment of Robert Megna as New York State Budget Director.

Governor Hochul announced $200 million in state funding to expand emergency departments, including $150 million that was awarded to the Jamaica Hospital Medical Center in Queens and $50 million awarded to Strong Memorial Hospital at the University of Rochester Medical Center.

Governor Hochul announced details of key proposals from her Fiscal Year 2024 Executive Budget to grow jobs and boost the economy in Western New York.

La gobernadora Hochul anunció los detalles de las propuestas clave de su presupuesto ejecutivo del año fiscal 2024 para generar empleos e impulsar la economía en el oeste de Nueva York.

Governor Hochul announced details of key proposals from her Fiscal Year 2024 Executive Budget to grow jobs and boost the economy in Western New York.

La gobernadora Hochul instó hoy a los neoyorquinos a tomar las precaucionesnecesarias, ya que se pronostica que una tormenta invernal afectará a la mayor parte del estado con fuertes nevadas y fuertes vientos a partir del lunes por la noche en partes de las regiones de la Capital, Mid-Hudson, Mohawk Valley, Central New York, North Country y Southern Tier.