Featured News
Snow and Extreme Cold Expected Statewide
January 18, 2025 | 4:22 PM ESTGovernor Hochul updated New Yorkers on winter weather expected to impact areas across the State starting Sunday.
National Action Network’s MLK Jr. Day Policy Forum
January 18, 2025 | 12:56 PM ESTGovernor Hochul delivered remarks at the National Action Network’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day Policy Forum.
Declaring January Stalking Awareness Month
January 17, 2025 | 4:24 PM ESTGovernor Hochul recognized January as Stalking Awareness Month and January 18th as Stalking Awareness Day of Action in New York State, issuing a proclamation and directing that all State landmarks be illuminated yellow tomorrow, January 18, in honor of those impacted by stalking and all forms of gender-based violence.
Governor Hochul announced the five 2022-23 winners of the Carey Gabay Scholarship Program.
The New York State Police announced that Troopers issued more than 11,800 tickets during a special STOP DWI traffic enforcement period over Super Bowl Weekend.
Governor Hochul updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19 and outlined basic steps to protect against viral infections that become more common in the winter season.
La Gobernadora Hochul anunció hoy la expansión del Programa Pathways for High-Skilled Immigrants o Caminos Profesionales para Inmigrantes Altamente Calificados del Estado de Nueva York para ayudar a los nuevos estadounidenses a encontrar trabajos que coincidan con sus habilidades y experiencia.
Governor Hochul announced the expansion of the New York State Professional Pathways for High-Skilled Immigrants Program to help new Americans find jobs that match their skills and experience.
La gobernadora Hochul anunció que se han otorgado más de $62 millones a 14 condados a través del programa estatal de subvención de comunicaciones interoperables para fortalecer las comunicaciones de emergencia y la infraestructura de interoperabilidad utilizada por los socorristas locales.
Governor Hochul announced grant awards for 14 counties to strengthen emergency communications and interoperability infrastructure used by local first responders.
La gobernadora Hochul anunció que a partir del 3 al 5 de marzo de este año, y anualmente a partir de entonces, el primer sábado y domingo consecutivo de marzo, serágratuito para todos los conductores de motos de nieve canadienses y de otros estados.
Governor Hochul updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combatting COVID-19 and outlined basic steps they can take to protect against the spread of viral respiratory infections that become more common in the winter season.
Governor Hochul announced that the first consecutive Saturday and Sunday in March will be free for all out-of-state and Canadian snowmobilers.