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Transcript: Increased Subway Safety Measures
January 16, 2025 | 4:58 PM ESTGovernor Hochul announced a surge in law enforcement and additional safety measures throughout New York City’s subway system.
Deploying DEC Forest Rangers for California Wildfires
January 16, 2025 | 2:11 PM ESTGovernor Hochul announced that a team of 10 Department of Environmental Conservation Forest Rangers is traveling to California to support ongoing efforts to contain wildfires raging in Los Angeles.
Creating Quality, Sustainable Homes in the Southern Tier
January 16, 2025 | 10:53 AM ESTGovernor Hochul announced that construction has begun at Town and Country Apartments, a 256-unit affordable housing development in the city of Binghamton.
More than 100 business and nonprofit leaders from across the state voiced their support for the New York Housing Compact - Governor Hochul's comprehensive strategy announced in the Fiscal Year 2024 Executive Budget to address New York's housing crisis and build 800,000 new homes in the next decade.
Governor Hochul announced that $2,884,500 in grant funding is being awarded to counties and municipalities across the state to fund seven projects that reduce government costs through consolidations, shared services or internal efficiencies.
Governor Hochul announced President Biden approved her request for a Major Disaster Declaration to provide federal assistance to communities impacted by the late December winter storm that brought two straight days of blizzard conditions in Western New York and significant coastal flooding on Long Island.
La gobernadora Hochul anunció hoy que la policía del estado de Nueva York y las fuerzas del orden locales aumentarán el patrullaje para combatir la conducción en estado de ebriedad, deteriorada e imprudente a medida que comiencen las celebraciones del Día de San Patricio a partir de este fin de semana.
Governor Hochul announced that the New York State Police and local law enforcement will increase patrols to combat drunk, impaired and reckless driving as St. Patrick's Day celebrations get underway starting this weekend.
La gobernadora Hochul organizó hoy una mesa redonda comunitaria en Westchester con líderes locales y funcionarios electos de todo el Valle de Hudson para analizar el Pacto de vivienda de Nueva York: la estrategia integral de la gobernadora anunciada en el Presupuesto Ejecutivo del año fiscal 2024 para abordar la crisis de vivienda de Nueva York y construir 800,000 nuevas viviendas en la próxima década.
Governor Hochul updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19 and outlined basic steps they can take to protect against the spread of viral respiratory infections that become more common in the winter season.
La gobernadora Kathy Hochul anunció hoy más de $2.7 millones en fondos federales que permitirán que cinco proveedores de servicios ofrezcan servicios de tratamiento de adicciones en 22 refugios para personas sin hogar en la ciudad de Nueva York.
La gobernadora Hochul anunció hoy los esfuerzos para ayudar a las familias trabajadoras a acceder al cuidado infantil en todo el estado de Nueva York, incluido el lanzamiento de una nueva herramienta de evaluación en línea para verificar la elegibilidad y el restablecimiento de un grupo de trabajo estatal para desarrollar un plan de implementación para el cuidado infantil universal.
Governor Hochul hosted a community roundtable in Westchester with local leaders and elected officials from across the Hudson Valley to discuss the New York Housing Compact.