
Official news from the Office of the Governor
October 11, 2024

Advancing AI Research for the Public Good

New York State’s nation-leading Empire AI Consortium will commence research this fall as a result of a major philanthropic contribution from the Simons Foundation.

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La gobernadora Hochul recorrió Patchogue en el condado de Suffolk, Long Island, con líderes locales y funcionarios electos para resaltar los componentes clave del Pacto de Vivienda de Nueva York: la estrategia integral de la Gobernadora anunciada en el Presupuesto Ejecutivo del año fiscal 2024 para abordar la crisis de vivienda de Nueva York y construir 800,000 viviendas nuevas en la próxima década.

La Gobernadora Hochul anunció hoy que la Oficina de Desarrollo Estratégico de la Fuerza Laboral del Estado de Nueva York ha otorgado más de $7 millones en subvenciones a catorce proyectos en todo el estado a través de la segunda ronda de los Programas de Subvenciones de Capital para el Desarrollo de la Fuerza Laboral y Pago por Desempeño.

Governor Hochul announced details of key proposals for Long Island from her Fiscal Year 2024 Executive Budget including the New York Housing Compact - the Governor's comprehensive strategy to address New York's housing crisis and build 800,000 new homes in the next decade after visiting small businesses in Patchogue, New York.

Governor Hochul toured an affordable housing development in Albany with local leaders and elected officials to highlight key components of the New York Housing Compact - the Governor's comprehensive strategy announced in the Fiscal Year 2024 Executive Budget to address New York's housing crisis and build 800,000 new homes in the next decade.

Governor Hochul toured Patchogue in Suffolk County, Long Island with local leaders and elected officials to highlight key components of the New York Housing Compact — the Governor's comprehensive strategy announced in the Fiscal Year 2024 Executive Budget to address New York's housing crisis and build 800,000 new homes in the next decade.

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