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Winter Weather Expected Wednesday and Thursday
December 3, 2024 | 5:41 PM ESTGovernor Hochul urged New Yorkers to prepare for winter weather as widespread snowfall is expected across the State.
Celebrating the Birthplace of the LGBTQ+ Movement
December 3, 2024 | 4:31 PM ESTEarlier, Governor Hochul delivered remarks at the American LGBTQ+ Museum groundbreaking ceremony in New York City celebrating the State’s history as the birthplace of the LGBTQ+ movement.
Growing the Clean Energy Economy
December 3, 2024 | 3:22 PM ESTGovernor Hochul announced contracts for 23 renewable energy projects that will provide enough energy to power more than 700,000 homes.
Governor Hochul announced the new Inter-Agency Fire Safety Working Group to ensure the safety and security of energy storage systems across the state.
Earlier, Governor Hochul announced significant progress in the fight against gun violence in the City of Buffalo. Data reported by the City's Police Department for the first half of 2023 when compared to the same timeframe in 2021 showed a 73 percent decline in the number of firearm-involved homicides; 60 percent decline in those injured by gunfire; and a 59 percent decline in shooting incidents.
Governor Hochul announced that data for the first half of 2023 showed a 73% decline in the number of firearm-involved homicides; 60% decline in those injured by gunfire; and a 59% decline in shooting incidents.
Projects that offer advanced building technologies for clean heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, building envelopes, and controls are eligible.
Governor Hochul announced ten highly skilled and diverse appointments to the New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division.
"A large battery fire in Jefferson County has caused significant damage and is emitting large amounts of smoke that may pose health risks."
Governor Hochul announced the Public Authorities Control Board’s approval of a major, mixed-use development at 5 World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan that will include approximately 1,200 units of housing — one-third of which will be permanently affordable and a portion of which will be offered for New Yorkers impacted by 9/11.
La Gobernadora Hochul anunció hoy que estánabiertas las solicitudes por $500 millones del presupuesto del año fiscal 2024 para reforzar la fuerzalaboral de cuidado infantil de Nueva York a través del Programa de subvenciones para la retención de la fuerza laboral.
La Gobernadora Hochul anunció la aprobación de un importante desarrollo de uso mixto en 5 World Trade Center en el Bajo Manhattan que incluirá aproximadamente 1,200 unidades de vivienda, un tercio de las cuales serán permanentemente asequibles y una parte de las cuales se ofrecerá a los neoyorquinos afectados por el 11 de septiembre.
Governor Hochul announced the appointment of Blake G. Washington as New York State Budget Director.