Featured News
Celebrating Record Single Day Subway Ridership Since 2020
December 13, 2024 | 5:31 PM ESTGovernor Hochul announced that the Subway had a record ridership of 4,497,599 passengers commuting on Dec. 12 — this is the highest ridership for a single weekday since March 11, 2020.
Statement on Women's Reproductive Health Care
December 13, 2024 | 5:08 PM EST"No doctor should be punished for providing necessary care to their patients."
Winter Storm Update on Lake Effect Snow Conditions
December 13, 2024 | 3:15 PM ESTGovernor Hochul provided an update to New Yorkers on ongoing lake effect snow conditions in portions of the North Country, Western New York and Central New York.
Governor Hochul delivered remarks at the Business Council of New York’s annual meeting in Bolton Landing.
Governor Hochul signed legislation to protect New Yorkers from flooding as storms become increasingly frequent and extreme.
Governor Hochul announced $7.4 million in federal funding was awarded to local emergency management agencies in New York State to support planning and operational readiness for disaster response.
La gobernadora Hochul anunció que la Oficina para Personas con Discapacidades del Desarrollo del Estado de Nueva York ha otorgado más de $13 millones en subvenciones a siete proveedores de servicios sin fines de lucro en todo el estado para financiar oportunidades de capacitación vocacional específicas para carreras para personas con discapacidades del desarrollo durante los próximos cuatro años.
Para celebrar la Semana del Clima, la gobernadora Hochul anunció que avanza la construcción de 53 cargadores aéreos para autobuses eléctricos de última generación en los depósitos de la Autoridad de Transporte Metropolitano en Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island y Brooklyn.
Governor Hochul announced that more than $13 million in grants have been awarded by the NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities to seven nonprofit service providers statewide.
Governor Hochul announced that 13 landmarks across New York will be illuminated with gold lights on Sunday, September 24 in honor of Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day.
In celebration of Climate Week, Governor Hochul announced construction is progressing on 53 state-of-the-art overhead electric bus chargers at MTA.
Governor Hochul was a guest on Morning Joe to discuss the asylum seeker crisis in New York State.
Governor Hochul and New York State Police updated New Yorkers on the bus crash in Orange County.