Featured News
Two Strong Winter Storms Expected Through Sunday
February 6, 2025 | 7:50 PM ESTGovernor Hochul urged New Yorkers to use caution as two strong winter storms are expected to impact areas throughout the State Friday through Sunday.
Governor Hochul Convenes Trade Policy Roundtable
February 6, 2025 | 6:05 PM ESTGovernor Hochul convened a roundtable with business leaders from Western New York to discuss the potential impacts of trade tariffs on New York’s economy and consumers.
$9.6M in Mental Health Support for Rural Areas of NYS
February 6, 2025 | 3:40 PM ESTGovernor Hochul announced $9.6 million in state funding is available to provide additional mental health assistance services for rural areas of the state, including a program dedicated to helping farmers, agribusiness workers and their families.

La gobernadora Hochul y el alcalde de la ciudad de Nueva York, Eric Adams, anunciaron hoy avances en la construcción de un “Nuevo” Nueva York más inclusivo y próspero, un año después de publicar el plan de acción "Hacer que Nueva York funcione para todos" en diciembre pasado.

Governor Hochul awarded $31 million to the Town of Amherst for infrastructure work for the transformational Boulevard Mall redevelopment project that will breathe new life into the now-largely-empty Boulevard Mall in Amherst.

Governor Hochul announced $20.3 million to support SNUG Street Outreach programs in 14 communities across New York State.

Governor Hochul and New York City Mayor Adams today announced progress in building a more inclusive, prosperous “New” New York, one year after releasing the "Making New York Work for Everyone" action plan last December.

La gobernadora Kathy Hochul anunció hoy que la Policía del Estado de Nueva York participará en la iniciativa nacional de cumplimiento de la ley para tomar medidas enérgicas contra la conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol en esta temporada navideña.

Governor Hochul announced that the New York State Police will participate in the national enforcement initiative to crack down on impaired driving this holiday season.

Governor Hochul announced $25 million in additional funding is now available under the State’s Clean Energy Communities Program for local municipalities to drive high-impact clean energy actions and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

La Gobernadora Hochul firmó hoy una legislación para proteger a los consumidores de Nueva York del aumento abusivo de los precios de los medicamentos y de las continuas consecuencias financieras relacionadas con la deuda médica.

Governor Hochul signed legislation to prevent equine cruelty to recognize National Day of the Horse.

Governor Hochul announced the completion of the Central East Energy Connect transmission project, which is an upgrade of transmission lines between Marcy in Oneida County and New Scotland in Albany County to relieve congestion and enable integration of more renewable energy into the state power grid.