
Official news from the Office of the Governor
September 11, 2024

Connecting 9/11 Survivors to a Lifeline of Benefits

Governor Hochul announced a campaign to ensure that survivors harmed by the 9/11 terrorist attacks are aware of their rights to programs that provide medical care and compensation.





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La gobernadora Kathy Hochul anunció nuevos esfuerzos estatales para abordar la crisis de solicitantes de asilo y migrantes en Nueva York, luego de que funcionarios de la Casa Blanca anunciaran que ciertas personas de Venezuela, que han residido continuamente en los Estados Unidos desde el 21 de julio del 2023 o antes, serán elegibles para solicitar el Estatus de Protección Temporal.

“After my productive conversation with President Biden last night, I’m grateful the federal government has acted so speedily to grant one of our top priorities: providing Temporary Protected Status to Venezuelan asylum seekers and migrants who have already arrived in this country.

Governor Hochul announced that the state is moving forward with its Clean Heat for All Challenge (#CleanHeat4All or #CH4A), a partnership between the New York Power Authority (NYPA), New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) to develop a new electrification product that can better serve the heating and cooling needs of existing multifamily buildings and hasten the transition to fossil-fuel free heating sources.

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