Featured News
$9.6M in Mental Health Support for Rural Areas of NYS
February 6, 2025 | 3:40 PM ESTGovernor Hochul announced $9.6 million in state funding is available to provide additional mental health assistance services for rural areas of the state, including a program dedicated to helping farmers, agribusiness workers and their families.
Three New Locations Selected for $200M ON-RAMP Program
February 6, 2025 | 1:07 PM ESTGovernor Hochul announced that the Capital Region, Finger Lakes and Mohawk Valley have been selected to advance to the planning stage of the $200 million One Network for Regional Advanced Manufacturing Partnerships (ON-RAMP) program.
New Law Strengthening Red Flag Law Now in Effect
February 6, 2025 | 11:05 AM ESTGovernor Hochul announced that a new law (S.3340/A.5873) designed to enhance safeguards afforded by the State’s Red Flag Law is now effective.

La gobernadora Hochul anunció el lanzamiento de los vagones de metro con pasarela abierta R211T en la línea C, que corre entre Washington Heights y East New York, y marcó un progreso significativo hacia el aumento de cámaras en todo el sistema, con 1,000 vagones de metro ahora equipados con cámaras.

Governor Hochul announced beginning February 5, 2024, SUNY Maritime College, in partnership with RelyOn Nutec, will offer five modules of the internationally-recognized offshore wind Basic Safety Training.

La gobernadora Hochul anunció que Long Island City recibirá $10 millones en fondos como ganadora regional de la ciudad de Nueva York de la séptima ronda de la Iniciativa de Revitalización del Centro, así como el área de Hudson Square como ganadora del New York City NY Forward de este año, recibiendo $4.5 millones.

Governor Hochul announced a statewide campaign to raise awareness about the safe use of consumer products that contain lithium-ion batteries, such as e-bikes, e-scooters, hoverboards, smart phones, laptops, toys and power tools.

Governor Hochul announced DRI and NY Forward winners. Long Island City receives $10 million and the Hudson Square area receives $4.5 million.

Governor Hochul announced the rollout of R211T open gangway subway cars on the C line, running between Washington Heights and East New York, and marked significant progress towards increasing cameras throughout the system, with 1,000 subway cars now equipped with cameras.

Governor Hochul announced the rollout of open gangway subway cars and significant progress towards increasing cameras throughout the system.

ICYMI: Op-Ed by Division of Budget Director Blake Washington on Governor Hochul’s Executive Budget investments in school funding.

Governor Hochul announced the opening of the 2024 Black History Month exhibit in the New York State Capitol.

Governor Hochul announced new administration appointments.