Featured News
Making Local Water Infrastructure Projects Affordable
December 12, 2024 | 1:50 PM ESTGovernor Hochul announced $428 million in financial assistance for water infrastructure improvement projects across New York State.
Requiring Health Insurers to Cover Epi-Pens
December 12, 2024 | 12:26 PM ESTGovernor Hochul signed legislation that will reduce the costs of epinephrine auto-injectors for individuals with allergies.
Statement From Governor Kathy Hochul on the MTA
December 12, 2024 | 11:21 AM EST"No one deserves to be trapped underground for two hours, or face such significant delays when trying to commute home from work."
Governor Hochul announced State agencies & partners will celebrate a series of stewardship days to enhance parks, historic sites & public lands.
Governor Hochul issued a proclamation declaring March 29, 2024 as Vietnam Veterans Day in New York State.
La gobernadora Hochul anunció los planes del estado de Nueva York para instalar 100 nuevos cargadores rápidos en la ciudad de Nueva York cuando comience el International Auto Show de Nueva York 2024.
Governor Hochul announced New York State’s plans to install 100 new fast chargers in New York City as the 2024 New York International Auto Show kicks off.
Governor Hochul announced the ratification of a three-year labor agreement with the New York State Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association.
Governor Hochul announced completion of Reynolds Way Apartments in the city of Elmira.
Governor Hochul announced that an upcoming study for a phase two on potential future enhancements along the Kensington Expressway corridor.
La gobernadora Hochul anunció que se pondrán $30 millones a disposición para desarrollar tres nuevas instalaciones de tratamiento residencial para niños y adolescentes que requieren atención en el lugar.
Governor Hochul announced the start of a $4.4 million bridge replacement project over I-87 in Greene County.
La gobernadora Hochul ordenó hoy que las banderas de todos los edificios estatales ondeen a media asta en honor al oficial caído de la policía de Nueva York Jonathan Diller, quien murió en el cumplimiento de su deber.