February 24, 2022
Albany, NY

Statement From Governor Kathy Hochul Welcoming Ukrainians to New York

"Like millions across the globe, New Yorkers are watching the situation in Ukraine with fear and outrage. New York is proudly home to the largest Ukrainian population in the United States. We condemn the unjustified violence and we are grateful to President Biden for his leadership in this moment of global crisis.

"Our prayers are with the Ukrainian people, including those in New York who are scared for their family and loved ones. Just as the Statue of Liberty stands tall in our harbor, New York stands ready to welcome Ukrainian refugees. We remain engaged with the Biden Administration and we will be prepared to accept and support those who seek shelter in our state."

Contact the Governor's Press Office

Contact us by phone:

Albany: (518) 474-8418
New York City: (212) 681-4640


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