September 6, 2023
Albany, NY

Governor Hochul Signs Legislation to Support Workers by Protecting Employees From Mandatory Political and Religious Meetings, Strengthening Wage Theft Penalties, and Increasing Benefits for Injured Workers

Legislation (S4982/A6604) Prohibits Employers From Disciplining Employees Who Opt Not to Participate in Meetings on Political and Religious Matters

Legislation (S2832-A/A154-A) Will Allow Prosecutors to Seek Stronger Penalties Against Employers Who Steal Wages from Workers

Legislation (S1161-A/A2034-A) Increases Minimum Weekly Compensation for Individuals Who Receive Workers’ Compensation Benefits

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Governor Kathy Hochul today signed a package of legislation to support, protect, and expand benefits for New York workers. Governor Hochul signed legislation (S4982/A6604) to prohibit employers from disciplining employees that opt not to participate in meetings about the employer’s political or religious views. The Governor signed legislation (S2832-A/A154-A) to make wage theft a form of larceny and allow prosecutors to seek stronger criminal penalties against employers who steal wages from workers. The Governor also signed legislation (S1161-A/A2034-A) to increase the minimum benefits for workers' compensation to better protect low wage workers who are injured and cannot work.

“This legislation will help to ensure that all New Yorkers receive the benefits and protections that allow them to work with dignity,” Governor Hochul said. “My administration is committed to making our state the most worker-friendly state in the nation, and I thank the bill sponsors for their partnership in our mission to establish the strongest and most robust protections right here in New York.”

New York Attorney General Letitia James said, “Everyone deserves a safe workplace where they are treated with dignity and respect. The legislation being enacted today will help protect workers across the state, particularly immigrants and other vulnerable New Yorkers who are often the likeliest victims of employer abuses like wage theft and discrimination. From now on, prosecutors will have the tools they need to stop perpetrators of wage theft who steal billions of dollars from New Yorkers every year. I want to thank Governor Hochul for enacting these important measures, Assemblymember Cruz, Senator Breslin, and all the other elected officials for their leadership in sponsoring this legislation, and our partners in organized labor for tirelessly championing these issues.”

Legislation (S4982/A6604) expands protections of employee’s freedom of speech and conscience, further prohibiting employers from disciplining employees who opt not to participate in meetings sponsored by the employer concerning the employer’s views on political and religious matters.

State Senator Jessica Ramos, chair of the Senate Committee on Labor said, “It is no coincidence that the organizing efforts that have given new life to the labor movement started in New York State. We are actively clearing roadblocks and facilitating an environment that welcomes new worker organizing, and S.4982 is no exception. You don’t check your first amendment rights and freedom of conscience at the door when you clock in at work. Political, partisan, and religious speech coming from an employer can be intimidating. But workers made it clear they are willing to fight back. We want to acknowledge their courage. I want to thank the Governor for supporting the surge of organizing being led by young people in New York.”

Legislation (S2832-A/A154-A) adds wage theft to the types of activities included in the crime of larceny. By amending the penal code, this legislation allows prosecutors to seek stronger penalties against employers who steal wages from workers.

State Senator Neil Breslin said, "Wage theft is one of the more serious forms of worker exploitation. Oftentimes it is perpetrated against some of our most vulnerable populations including undocumented immigrants and low-income workers. Adding wage theft to the types of activities included in the crime of larceny is a critical step to ensuring that workers receive what they are entitled to. I applaud Governor Hochul for signing this important measure into law."

Assemblymember Catalina Cruz said, “Today marks a pivotal moment in our fight for justice for working class New Yorkers. I am thankful to Governor Hochul for signing the Wage Theft Accountability Act into law, to my Senate partner, Neil Breslin, for his unwavering support, and the District Council of Carpenters for helping us lead this fight. This law will arm prosecutors with a new powerful tool to go after greedy employers who steal wages, allowing them to pursue larceny charges and aggregate cases. Approximately $3.2 billion in wages is stolen from over 2 million New Yorkers every year. While wage theft disproportionately impacts low wage working-class New Yorkers, its repercussions are felt by all of us— from directly impacted workers, to law abiding business who must now face unfair competition. Through this new law, we are sending a resounding message: wage theft will not be tolerated in our state. Together, we stand unwavering in our commitment to justice and fairness for every worker.”

This legislation will help to ensure that all New Yorkers receive the benefits and protections that allow them to work with dignity.”

Governor Hochul

Legislation (S1161-A/A2034-A) increases the minimum benefits for workers' compensation to better protect low wage workers who are injured and cannot work. This piece of legislation provides minimum benefits for permanent or temporary partial disability to be increased to $275 in 2024, increased to $325 in 2025, and increased to one-fifth of the state average weekly wage in 2026.

State Senator James Sanders Jr. said, "I expressly thank Governor Kathy Hochul, Assembly Committee on Labor Chair Latoya Joyner, and the labor unions that made this law possible as we just celebrated Labor Day in New York State where the first Labor Day Parade in America was held in 1882. This new law will increase workers' compensation disability benefits, and ensure that the amounts are updated in a timely fashion. Workers who are injured on the job deserve all the necessary support we can provide them."

Assemblymember Latoya Joyner, chair of the Assembly Labor Committee, said, “No worker should be left destitute because of a workplace injury and, as the rising cost of living squeezes the budgets of New York’s families, it is essential to raise the minimum benefit injured workers receive while they are disabled. Governor Hochul’s signature of the Worker’s Compensation Benefit Modernization Act ensures a more secure future for those living with workplace injuries and I appreciate her support.”

Governor Hochul Signs Legislation to Support Workers by Protecting Employees from Mandatory Political and Religious Meetings, Strengthening Wage Theft Penalties, and Increasing Benefits for Injured Workers

Gary LaBarbera, President of the New York State Building & Construction Trades Council said, “We thank Governor Hochul for signing this significant piece of legislation into law. Wage theft is a problem that is rampant, especially within the non-union construction industry. By strengthening the criminal penalties associated with this corrupt activity, we believe the new law provides important tools to help deter the continuing problem of wage theft as it adds another enforcement option for victims. The Building Trades will always fight on behalf of union and non-union workers against unscrupulous contractors that seek to exploit labor; we look forward to continuing to work with the Governor and our partners in the Legislature on these extremely important issues.”

Mario Cilento, President of the New York State AFL-CIO said, “We applaud Governor Hochul for signing into law three critical pieces of legislation that ensure New York State leads the way when it comes to protecting workers’ rights. Among the new laws is legislation that addresses the long history of employers using so-called ‘captive audience’ meetings to force their views on personal decisions related to religion, health care, politics, or joining civic or fraternal organizations or labor unions. This new law protects workers by preventing employers from taking adverse actions against their employees for refusing to participate in such meetings. We are pleased the Governor signed another law that addresses the needs of injured workers. The new law not only provides a much-needed increase to the minimum workers’ compensation benefit, but the benefit will now be indexed resulting in injured workers being treated more fairly moving forward. And finally, Governor Hochul is sending the message loud and clear that wage theft is a serious crime that will not be tolerated. The Department of Labor, law enforcement, and prosecutors will now have the tools they need to go after employers that willfully and intentionally break the law by underpaying their workers. We thank the Governor, Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, and the Democratic Majorities in both houses for prioritizing worker protections.”

Vincent Alvarez, President of the New York City Central Labor Council AFL-CIO said, “The bills Governor Hochul signed during this morning’s Labor Breakfast are a reflection of her commitment to working people across our City. They provide critical safeguards for all working families, and protect workers’ rights to organize and win a voice at work without threat of retaliation. We also extend our appreciation to the sponsors of these bills for all their work, as well as the entire State Senate and Assembly for their commitment to this important effort.”

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