Legislation S.9441/A.7919-A Allows Public Agencies and Authorities in New York to Purchase Salt Used for Deicing from Mines in the United States
Supports Good-Paying Jobs at New York Salt Mines in Upstate Communities
Governor Hochul today signed the Buy American Salt Act (S.9441/A.7919-A) to allow New York public agencies and authorities that use rock salt or sodium chloride to purchase salt mined in the United States.
"With the Buy American Salt Act, we are helping State and local governments purchase salt that comes from mines based in the United States - some right here in New York," Governor Hochul said. "This is an important step to support good-paying jobs in our upstate communities while growing New York's economy."
The Buy American Salt Act (S.9441/A.7919-A) allows local governments to purchase rock salt mined in the United States. New York has at least two salt mines that provide rock salt for road deicing and offer good-paying jobs. Additionally, salt mined or harvested in New York State adds an estimated $3.00 in tax revenue for every ton of salt produced. By allowing local governments to support U.S. salt mines, this new law will help grow New York's economy while protecting jobs in upstate communities.
State Senator Tim Kennedy said, "As we build back post-pandemic, it's imperative that New York prioritize efforts to re-energize our economy. I'm proud to sponsor this bill, which was one of many small business-focused policies that the Democratic Conference advanced immediately upon returning to session earlier this year. Now, with Governor Hochul's signature, we as a state are continuing to demonstrate a collaborative commitment to job growth, advancing new streams of revenue, and creating sustainable opportunities for New York businesses to thrive."
State Senator Patrick M. Gallivan said, "This law rightfully prioritizes the purchase of rock salt mined and harvested in Western New York and New York State as much as possible. It will help support hundreds of our fellow residents who work in this industry and provide important economic benefits to local communities."
Assemblymember Harry Bronson said, "I want to thank Governor Hochul for recognizing that the 'Buy American Salt Act' is essential to ensuring New York tax dollars support local workers and their families. With a major winter storm approaching, we are witnessing an industry that derives salt from overseas while we have two highly productive salt mines, American Rock Salt and Cargill - Lansing, here in New York State and others throughout the U.S. Salt from these mines not only keep our roads safe in the Winter for millions of commuters, but they also employ hundreds of American workers and help build strong economically sustainable communities. Additionally, New York State salt mines employ union members, who are paid fair middle-class wages and benefits. These workers spend their salary here in New York and pay taxes here in New York. This bill not only supports these workers but also has a positive economic impact on the New York State economy."
New York City Department of Sanitation Commissioner Jessica Tisch said, "The Buy American Salt Bill will support and protect good-paying jobs across New York, a win for our economy and our entire state's recovery. I'm grateful to Governor Hochul for ensuring New York City has the flexibility to purchase the salt needed to keep our roads safe and clear every winter, and her tireless support of New York's economy."
President of the New York State AFL-CIO Mario Cilento said, "This new law gives state and local governments the option to go above the lowest bid to do business with American companies that adhere to responsible labor and environmental standards. By signing it into law, Governor Hochul will help keep solid middle-class jobs in our communities and keep our hard-earned tax dollars right here in New York State. We thank Senator Tim Kennedy, Assemblyman Harry Bronson and the Democratic Majorities in both houses for prioritizing Buy American legislation."
United Steelworkers District 4 Director Del Vitale said, "We want to thank the Governor and the Legislature for this law that will help keep jobs in The United States and NY. We will continue to work for our members and their long-term job security that helps strengthen communities."