
Governor Hochul announced state parks, historic sites, campgrounds and trails saw a record 88.3 million visits in 2024.

Governor Hochul announced the opening of the Frederic Church Center for Art and Landscape, a new facility at the historic site in Hudson.

La gobernadora Hochul anunció que ahora hay disponibles hasta $80 millones en fondos de capital para las organizaciones culturales y artísticas sin fines de lucro a través del Fondo de Proyectos de Capital del Consejo de las Artes del Estado de Nueva York.

Governor Hochul announced up to $80 million from the Council on the Arts Capital Projects Fund for nonprofit arts and cultural organizations.

Earlier, Governor Hochul announced at the 2024 Great New York State Fair that one year after signing Executive Order 32, New York State agencies and authorities have surpassed the state’s first year goal of five percent to nearly 15 percent.

La gobernadora Hochul anunció que Nueva York recibió un récord de 306,3 millones de visitantes en el 2023, al tiempo que estableció nuevos máximos históricos en gasto directo de visitantes e impacto económico total asociado con la industria turística del estado.

Governor Hochul announced that a record-setting 306.3 million people visited New York in 2023, leading to $88 billion in direct spending.

Governor Hochul announced construction is set to begin on the extension of the ‘Crow’s Nest’ at Niagara Falls State Park.

Governor Hochul announced the New York State Olympic Regional Development Authority 2024-2025 events calendar.

Governor Hochul announced the opening of the Great Lakes 360 living museum on the newly expanded campus of the Aquarium of Niagara in Niagara Falls State Park.