Puerto Rico
La Gobernadora Hochul y el Gobernador de Puerto Rico, Pierluisi, lanzaron el Consejo Asesor de Oportunidades Económicas del Estado de Nueva York y Puerto Rico, un grupo de funcionarios administrativos designados por la Gobernadora Hochul y el Gobernador Pierluisi, para fortalecer los vínculos entre Nueva York y Puerto Rico y promover prioridades económicas compartidas.
Governor Hochul and Puerto Rico Governor Pierluisi launched the New York State and Puerto Rico Economic Opportunity Advisory Council, a group of administration officials appointed by Governor Hochul and Governor Pierluisi, to strengthen ties between New York and Puerto Rico and advance shared economic priorities.
Governor Hochul and Puerto Rico Governor Pierluisi launched the New York State and Puerto Rico Economic Opportunity Advisory Council, a group of administration officials appointed by Governor Hochul and Governor Pierluisi, to strengthen ties between New York and Puerto Rico and advance shared economic priorities.
Earlier, Governor Hochul joined Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs Tanya Bradsher, and Governor Pedro Pierluisi to urge veterans exposed to burn pits or other toxins to file for PACT Act benefits.
La gobernadora Hochul anunció que el Estado de Nueva York hará una inversión de $20 millones para el Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños de la Universidad de la Ciudad de Nueva York.
Governor Hochul marched in the 66th National Puerto Rican Day parade in Manhattan.
Governor Hochul announced that New York State will make a $20 million investment for CENTRO, the Center for Puerto Rican Studies at the City University of New York.
Governor Hochul toured Banco de Alimentos Food Bank in Puerto Rico.
Earlier today, New York Governor Kathy Hochul, Puerto Rico Governor Pedro Pierluisi, and Congressman Ritchie Torres announced the opening of a New York Office of the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration.
La gobernadora Kathy Hochul anunció hoy apoyo adicional a la industria agrícola de Puerto Rico y a las organizaciones de asistencia alimentaria de emergencia a medida que la isla continúa reconstruyéndose después del huracán Fiona.