
Puerto Rico

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Nov 09
Governor Hochul Delivers Remarks at SOMOS 2024 Labor Breakfast

La Gobernadora Hochul y el Gobernador de Puerto Rico, Pierluisi, lanzaron el Consejo Asesor de Oportunidades Económicas del Estado de Nueva York y Puerto Rico, un grupo de funcionarios administrativos designados por la Gobernadora Hochul y el Gobernador Pierluisi, para fortalecer los vínculos entre Nueva York y Puerto Rico y promover prioridades económicas compartidas.

Governor Hochul and Puerto Rico Governor Pierluisi launched the New York State and Puerto Rico Economic Opportunity Advisory Council, a group of administration officials appointed by Governor Hochul and Governor Pierluisi, to strengthen ties between New York and Puerto Rico and advance shared economic priorities.

Governor Hochul and Puerto Rico Governor Pierluisi launched the New York State and Puerto Rico Economic Opportunity Advisory Council, a group of administration officials appointed by Governor Hochul and Governor Pierluisi, to strengthen ties between New York and Puerto Rico and advance shared economic priorities.

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