Governor Hochul announced $10 million to support the repair and restoration of two iconic World War II naval ships along Buffalo’s waterfront.
Governor Hochul announced recommendations to add 17 properties and districts to State and Federal registers of historic places.
Governor Hochul announced the Commemoration Commission to recognize the anniversary of the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence in 2026.
Governor Hochul announces the opening of “Focus on Justice: The Photography of Corky Lee,” a new exhibition that shines a light on the life and art of celebrated photographer and activist Corky Lee.
Governor Hochul announced plans for “Waterway of Change: A Complex Legacy of the Erie Canal,” a new Erie Canal bicentennial visitors experience at Canalside in Buffalo.
La gobernadora Hochul anunció que 11 proyectos han sido reconocidos como partede los Premios a la Preservación Histórica del Estado de Nueva York 2024.
Governor Hochul announced that 11 projects have been recognized as a part of the 2024 New York State Historic Preservation Awards.
La gobernadora Hochul lanzó una cronología interactiva en línea titulada "Abriendo un camino: una historia de los parques y sitios históricos del estado de Nueva York" en celebración del centenario de los parques estatales de Nueva York.
Governor Hochul launched an interactive, online timeline in celebration of New York State Parks’ Centennial.
Governor Hochul announced recommendations by the New York State Board for Historic Preservation to State and National Registers of Historic Places.