Governor Hochul delivered remarks at the National Action Network’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day Policy Forum.
Governor Hochul unveiled an array of initiatives designed to get the government working faster and more efficiently for all New Yorkers as a part of her 2025 State of the State.
Governor Hochul visited Marcy Correctional Facility demanding answers from the facility’s interim leadership following the horrific killing of Robert Brooks.
Governor Hochul granted clemency to 22 individuals, including 21 pardons and one commutation.
"Last night, the runways at Stewart Airfield were shut down for approximately one hour due to drone activity in the airspace."
Governor Hochul deployed an eight-member State Incident Management Team to respond to the ongoing water shortage in Whitehall.
La gobernadora Hochul anunció el lanzamiento de la primera estrategia de experiencia del cliente del estado de Nueva York, una iniciativa innovadora destinada a transformar la forma en que los neoyorquinos interactúan con los servicios gubernamentales y mejorar las operaciones gubernamentales día a día.
Governor Hochul announced a groundbreaking initiative to improve government operations transform how New Yorkers receive services.
La gobernadora Hochul anunció que el popular programa de Subvenciones para la Eficiencia del Gobierno Local ha duplicado la cantidad de fondos disponibles para brindarles a los municipios ideas innovadoras para optimizar las operaciones y los servicios gubernamentales a fin de reducir los costos actuales o futuros.
Governor Hochul announced double the funds for grants to streamline government operations and services to reduce current or future costs.