East Buffalo

Governor Hochul announced the ribbon cutting for the Eckhardts building in East Buffalo.

Governor Hochul announced the ribbon cutting for the Eckhardts building in East Buffalo.

Governor Hochul announced the completion of work at a former public school in East Buffalo that transformed a vacant building into 46 affordable apartments.

Governor Hochul announced progress in addressing trauma, mental health, and emotional wellness in the East Buffalo community.

La gobernadora Hochul, el alcalde de la ciudad de Buffalo, Byron W. Brown, y la Comisión Conmemorativa del 14 de mayo, junto con las familias de los fallecidos y heridos y otras partes interesadas de la comunidad, dieron a conocer hoy el diseño final de un monumento permanente en honor a las víctimas de los ataques por motivos raciales del 14 de mayo del 2022 en Buffalo.

Governor Hochul, City of Buffalo Mayor Byron W. Brown, and the 5/14 Memorial Commission, along with the families of those lost and injured and other community stakeholders unveiled the final design of a permanent memorial honoring the victims of the racially motivated May 14, 2022 Tops shooting in Buffalo.

Governor Hochul unveiled the final design of a permanent memorial honoring the victims of the racially motivated May 14, 2022 Tops shooting in Buffalo.

Governor Hochul announced that an upcoming study for a phase two on potential future enhancements along the Kensington Expressway corridor.

Governor Hochul announced the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority will receive a $102 million grant from the United States Department of Transportation to design and construct a low or no emission Bus Rapid Transit line.

Governor Hochul announced a major milestone in the transformative Kensington Expressway Project in East Buffalo.