
Governor Hochul highlighted $450 million in capital funding and $100 million in operating support for SUNY Downstate.

Budget Director Blake Washington held a technical briefing on Governor Hochul’s Fiscal Year 2026 Budget proposal.

La gobernadora Kathy Hochul presentó hoy sus planes para hacer que Nueva York sea más asequible y segura al revelar el Presupuesto Ejecutivo para el Año Fiscal 2026.

Governor Hochul unveiled the Fiscal Year 2026 Executive Budget, and laid out her plans to make New York more affordable and safer.

Governor Hochul unveils highlights of the Fiscal Year 2026 Executive Budget: More Money in Your Pockets.

Governor Hochul laid out her plans to make New York more affordable and safer as she unveiled the Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2026.

La gobernadora Hochul anunció hoy que 213 municipios de Nueva York han presentado solicitudes para obtener la certificación como Comunidades Pro-Vivienda.

Governor Hochul announced that a total of $30 million in state funding was awarded to nine community-based hospitals to add 109 new inpatient psychiatric beds statewide.

Governor Hochul announced that 213 New York municipalities have launched applications to be certified as Pro-Housing Communities.

Governor Hochul announced a historic $50 million capital investment into the New York State Canal system as part of the FY 2025 Enacted Budget.